Communal Shaloshudes at the GMCshul
On shabbat Parashat Vaetchanan, July 24th we will have a joint Seudah shlishit at the GMCshul after Mincha at 18:30 🍞🥐🍰🍡🥮🍣 Everbody is welcome to

Ladies night out at the GMCshul
On Tuesday, July 20th at 20:30 we will have a womens dance party.We are going to have some fun💃🏾 All women are invited to come

Chess & Backgammon tournament at the GMCshul
On Thursday July 8th at 19:00 there will be a chess & backgammon tournament.The tournament is from age 12-120. An award-winning tournament🤩First place- 100₪Second place-

From Hejab to Mitpachot
The GMC shul is proud to announce an evening of story telling. Save the date: July 12th at 8:45 pm Hear the inspiring story of

Going out doors with the GMCshul community
On Wednesday, June 30th at 16:30 We will meet at the Nofim park at Ya’ar Yatir st. Modi’in 👇 Everyone is welcome to join!Bring whatever

Going out doors with the GMCshul community
On Wednesday, June 16th at 16:45 We will meet at the KK”L park in Ganei Modi’in 👇 Everyone is welcome to join!Bring whatever you want:

Men’s night out at the GMCshul
On Wednesday, June 23rd at 19:30 there will be Mincha & Ma’ariv followed by a grilled feast for men🔥🥩🍗 The cost for each participant is

An evening of Hafrashat Challah in the GMC (Kehilati) shul in the merit of the late David Reuven Ben-Haim Rosenthal z”l on his first Yartzheit
Meital Lewenstein and the female members of her family invite the women and girls of the community to partake in Hafrashat Challah in memory of

Yom Yerushalayim at the GMCshul
On Sunday May 9th we will celebrate Yom Yerushlayim at the GMCshul. Starting at 19:50:Festive Ma’ariv DoveningShiurDinner partyEvent for Yom Yerushalayim You are welcome to